Oportunidad de Doctorado en IMEDEA: Explorando la Conexión Humano-Naturaleza en el Mediterráneo

¡Atención, futuros doctorandos! 🌟 LAERE tiene el placer de presentar una oportunidad única para formar parte de una Red Doctoral Marie Sklodowska-Curie, en colaboración con el IMEDEA. Si eres un estudiante apasionado por la biodiversidad marina del Mediterráneo y sus interacciones humanas, esta puede ser tu llamada.

🔬 Proyecto: MEDiverseaty – Explorando las dimensiones humanas de la biodiversidad marina mediterránea.
🌐 Posición disponible en IMEDEA: Comprender las diferentes dimensiones de la conexión humano-naturaleza para la conservación y restauración en el Mediterráneo.

Este proyecto desafía los enfoques tradicionales de gestión marina que suelen centrarse únicamente en aspectos biológicos, y en cambio, busca integrar las dimensiones sociales, culturales y de gobernanza para una gestión efectiva y equitativa. Una oportunidad para influir en la futura ley de restauración de la naturaleza de la UE y contribuir a sistemas socio-ecológicos marinos y costeros más integrados y justos.

🌍 Requisitos:

  • Alto dominio del español.
  • No haber residido en España más de 12 meses en los últimos 3 años.

📅 Fecha límite para aplicar: 31 de mayo.

Consulta todos los detalles del proyecto y cómo aplicar aquí: MEDiverseaty Project y IMEDEA Doctoral Position.

¡Esperamos que compartas esta magnífica oportunidad con personas altamente motivadas que puedan estar interesadas! 📢


Opportunity for Postdoctoral Researcher in Sustainability Governance at the University of Basel

The Sustainability Research Group at the University of Basel is excited to offer a unique opportunity for a postdoctoral researcher passionate about sustainable development and governance. Led by Prof. Dr. Janina Grabs, the group is dedicated to investigating the governance of sustainable agri-food systems, especially focusing on the impact of mandatory sustainability legislation in tropical agri-food commodity chains.

Position Details:

  • Duration: 2+4 years
  • Employment Rate: 75%
  • Focus Area: Implementation of mandatory sustainability legislation, such as the EU Deforestation Regulation, in tropical agri-food commodity chains.
  • Teaching: Some teaching responsibilities in small class/seminar settings.
  • Research: Opportunity to lead innovative work in sustainability governance.

This position offers a fantastic opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in an area of critical importance to global sustainability efforts.

Application Deadline: Review of applications will begin on May 1, 2024.

For more information on the position and how to apply, please visit the University of Basel job portal (position: Postdoc position in Sustainability Research Group).


RIDGE-LAERE en Uruguay en Diciembre de 2022



Hyatt Centric Montevideo, Uruguay December 5, 6, 7, 2022

Scientific Committee
Marcelo Caffera (U. de Montevideo)
Bridget Hoffman (IADB)
Marcela Jaime (U. de Concepción)

Alejandro López-Feldman (University of Gothenburg and CIDE)
Jorge Maldonado (U. de los Andes, Colombia)
Juan Pablo Montero (PUC-Chile)
Nathaly Rivera (U. de Chile)
Felipe Vásquez (U. del Desarrollo)
Keynote Speakers

Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics) – Virtual presentation

Alexander Pfaff (Duke University)


EFD-Webinar Series with Jan Steckel

This month the EfD-Webinar Series returns, and we are honored to have Jan Steckel as our first speaker for the year.  Jan is an accomplished researcher based at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) where he leads the working group “Climate and Development”.

About the Webinar: 

Title: Who is affected by carbon pricing and why? Evidence from 87 countries

Date: January 24, 2024

Time: 2 PM CEST

Venue: Zoom Note: The webinar is FREE to all.


Special issue at Environment for Development

This is a friendly reminder about the special issue of Environment and Development Economics titled “Challenges for the development of Latin America in the Anthropocene: current research in environmental economics” that Marcelo Caffera and Alejandro Lopez-Feldman, members of LAERE’s editorial board, are co-editing.

Please share with your network and consider submitting your work if you have something about Latin America. 

The deadline has been extended to 31 March 2024. More details in the link below.


Oportunidades de Investigación

PhD studentship in forest economics

PhD studentship in forest economics

We are searching for a Doctoral student to join the Department of Forest Economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Umeå. The Ph.D. student will work on the project “Role of conservation interventions in preventing the degradation of Argentina’s Atlantic forests” funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS). REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) initiatives aim to prevent emissions and conserve the area and integrity of forests. Past research has evaluated their effectiveness to prevent deforestation but has largely neglected degradation. This is of critical societal importance as degradation is a major source of carbon emissions from forests and it can lead to the loss of ecosystem services vital to local communities. In this project we will assess the extent to which REDD+ initiatives have prevented forest degradation in the context of Argentina’s Atlantic forest. The Atlantic forest is one of the terrestrial ecosystems with the greatest endemic biodiversity in the world.

The profile of the student is of a person fully committed to forest conservation research with foundational training in research methods. The candidate will be responsible for: integrating economics and forest resource management knowledge into relevant research design; developing relevant research questions; applying appropriate econometric and other analytical tools; writing scientific manuscripts and compile a Ph.D. thesis suitable for examination. Coursework is included in the Ph.D. program. The Ph.D. program consists of 4-year full-time studies with the position contracted based on annual evaluations.

Qualifications: To be eligible, the candidate should hold at least a Master’s degree in economics or related field (e.g. agricultural economics, natural resource economics, forest economics), or a strong quantitative interdisciplinary program. Knowledge in natural resource economics, demonstrated capacity to integrate forest and economics concepts are considered extra merit. Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are required. Working knowledge of Spanish is preferable but not mandatory. Also considered as extra merit are (a) experience writing scientific manuscripts, (b) advanced documented knowledge using GIS software, (c) advanced document knowledge using, R, SAS, Stata or other analytical software.

Place of work: Umeå, Sweden

Application: We welcome applications until February 16 2024.

Applicants must submit:

·  a CV

·  a two-page research statement

·  copies of degrees and transcripts of all academic records

·  one copy of the MS thesis

·  contact information for at least two referees familiar with the applicant’s qualificat

·   certified knowledge of the English language

·   if relevant, copies of relevant publications

Candidates are encouraged to review research by Francisco X. Aguilar, Professor, Department of Forest Economics. Questions relevant to the application can be sent to Francisco.aguilar@slu.se. Full details on this position are available online at: https://www.slu.se/en/about-slu/work-at-slu/jobs-vacancies/?rmpage=job&rmjob=9279&rmlang=UK

Oportunidades de Investigación

PhD position with the Sustainable Forest Transitions project

PhD studentship on the social and environmental outcomes of reforestation processes

Deadline: 12 February 2024 Midnight (GMT)

Interviews: 22 February 2024

Studentship Funding: 

The Sustainable Forest Transitions (SFT) Project is recruiting one full-time PhD student at the Global Development Institute (University of Manchester) from September 2024 to work on one of two themes:

• Theme 1: Evaluating social and environmental outcomes of reforestation drivers using large-scale publicly available social and environmental datasets.

• Theme 2: Development of rapid evidence synthesis methods and products using emerging artificial intelligence tools and other existing systematic review instruments.

This position is fully funded for 3.5 years, covering academic fees, an annual maintenance stipend of £18,622 (TBC for 2024-25) and research travel. You will be part of a multidisciplinary research team led by Dr Johan Oldekop, including post-doctoral researchers, PhD students, case-country partners, and other affiliated researchers.

Lead Supervisor: 

Dr Johan Oldekop

About the Project:

SFT seeks to advance a better understanding of the social and environmental outcomes of reforestation drivers globally. SFT is a five-year, £1.7 million project selected by the European Research Council and funded through a UKRI Research Frontier grant hosted by the Global Development Institute. The project is studying the changing nature of forest cover and human development at unprecedented scale and detail at global scales and in specific case-study countries, including Mexico, Brazil, India, Nepal, and Indonesia. The studentship is open to international students. For more information, including how to apply please follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/yxsafn79 or please refer to the attached file.


La Asociación Latinoamericana de Economistas Ambientales y de Recursos (LAERE), en colaboración con la Universidad de Los Andes y el Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM), se complace en anunciar la convocatoria de artículos para su Primer Congreso de LAERE.

Fechas Importantes:

  • Fecha límite de envío: 1 de noviembre de 2024
  • Notificación de selección: 10 de diciembre de 2024

Envie su artículo ahora: https://live.eventtia.com/es/first-congress-laere

Estamos aceptando:

  • Resúmenes extendidos (500-1000 palabras)
  • Artículos completos, con un resumen extendido.

Algunos artículos pueden ser consideradas para un número especial en el Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM).
Elija entre una presentación oral o una sesión de póster, e indique si desea ser parte del número especial.

Ayuda Financiera Disponible
Hay ayuda financiera limitada disponible para estudiantes de países del Sur Global para cubrir los costos asociados al registro y a algunos gastos de viaje.

Para consultas, envíe un correo a: info@laere.org